Adult Ministries
Life is a journey and it is not good for us to do it alone. We value a multigenerational approach to ministry which means we desire to provide meaningful ministries to adults as they go through life. This leads us to offer ministries that impact parents, marrieds, singles, elderly, as well as for men and women. We hope to encourage each other to live, teach, and share the Gospel of the Grace of God!
Sunday School

On Sunday mornings at 9:15 am, we have our Sunday school hour, with classes available for everyone. No matter how old we get, we should all be continually growing in our faith and relationship with God. Through Bible study and discussion each of our adult classes is aimed to help you do just that.
Prison Ministry

We do Prison Mission Association correspondence Bible lessons with hundreds of students. Volunteers are needed to correct the lessons.
Women's Retreat

Each fall, our women enjoy a weekend getaway where they get to learn about God's Word and its applications in life. Throughout the weekend they play games and do puzzles, spend time in discussion and prayer, experience the beautiful grounds, and feast on meals they don't have to prepare!
Ladies, join us in the fall at Northern Grace Youth Camp Women's Retreat.

The Pacesetters Fellowship is a ministry that meets during the day and is open to all adults at Bethesda. The purpose of Pacesetters is to enjoy fellowship by participating in social events together. It is a time of getting to know each other better, and making new friends, while enjoying special activities. Join this rewarding fellowship at our next event!

Choir is during the Easter and Christmas seasons.
Helping Hearts & Hands

When one member of the family of Christ has a need we have the opportunity to rally around them to help, (Gal. 6:10). When one sorrows we share in that together and when one is honored we rejoice (I Cor. 12:26). We, who are so blessed, can all do something to be God’s hands here at Bethesda. This ministry helps with need such as meals, transportation, and other needs that may arise.