Our Mission
is to Live, Teach, and Share the Gospel of the Grace of God in the spheres of influence God has given us.
We will Live. Teach. and Share. in all we say and do.
This is surrounded by the Gospel of the Grace of God. This is the good news to the world.
Where we are called to do this is in the spheres of influence that God has given us. This is where we individually work, play, and live but also extends to our church's neighborhood and our missionary extension that we value.

Core Values
We see our church not simply as a house of worship with walls, a roof and open doors. Rather, we believe that the church is actually the members and believers that come together to practice God’s word, celebrate His love and extend His gifts.
Our Core Values demonstrate what is most important and what we must live if we are to remain Bethesda Church. These Core Values guide our ministries, programs, and the life of our church. As a result, we will evaluate all of what we do with these five Core Values in mind.
Bible Centered
We approach the Bible as of first importance. What we do, what we believe, and what we teach comes from the authority of God’s Word. The Bible is central in all we do, taking precedence over church tradition, a shifting culture and especially, our own opinion (2 Tim. 3:16).

Grace Theology
We approach church life and programs through a Dispensational perspective. At the heart of our theological position is the message Christ committed to the Apostle Paul regarding the outpouring of God’s grace in forming the Church, which is comprised of all people without distinction who come to Christ through faith (Eph. 3:1-6). We teach and edify believers in the importance of handling God’s Word correctly (2 Tim. 2:15).
Grace Living
We put our theology into action by the way we live our lives. We desire that, through Loving Authentic Relationships, we can confront what does not belong, encourage, and bear each other’s burdens so that we address the various struggles in our lives. We desire to avoid the bonds of legalism by demonstrating love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control, against which there is no law (Gal. 5:22, 23).

We love a multigenerational approach to life and ministry more than we love our own particular preferences. This means we want to approach ministry, programs, and functions with all the different generations in mind and focus. This means our church life will be tailored to all ages to include the youngest to the oldest.
This also means we want our church leadership to reflect the different generations. To achieve this, we commit to pursue training, mentoring, and discipling the next generation so they can take the place of our current leadership (2 Tim. 2:2). We will develop interns and provide genuine opportunities for the next generation to practice their gifts.
We have a heart for the lost both in our neighborhood and abroad. The Apostle Paul’s heart was to see those who do not know Christ to be transformed and he wanted believers to do everything they could in their speech and conduct to promote Christ as well. We have a desire for our community to know Christ and be transformed by Him (1 Cor. 9:22-23).
We also value foreign missions and thank God for the various spheres of influence he has given us around the world. We will continue to support and encourage missionaries to promote the Gospel of the Grace of God while we do our part where we work, play, and live.